Project 365

Every day a picture: it is my goal for 2023, project 365! To challenge myself creatively and to improve every day. To capture my life, to go out and explore others and the planet around me. One picture every day to improve, but more importantly, to be allowed to wander the world and capture it.

I will try to select a theme every month for my photographs. Apart from that, I will also choose a style of photography as well. So for the coming month, I will shoot in black and white about what will make a house a home. I have not yet decided on the themes and styles for the coming months, as I want to surprise myself as well. Just as I will challenge myself in the coming months, I want to be able to surprise myself as well.

January 2023

My first month of project 365, and with the first photo, a style was born: black and white. To reflect the feelings of a cosy, nostalgic winter month cuddled up in a blanket before the fireplace. The first theme focusses on the house: what makes my home, my house. What makes me feel secure and comfortable. And what makes my home a place to flourish creatively. So noir in the home, it is, moody, but romantic January 2023 here we come!

If you are interested in the stories behind my photography, please go to Bokeh, my blog section on this website. In which I use more than a thousand words to describe the story behind the photograph.